Turn VisualSonic into your personal
Virtual Video on wall
by VisualSonic

Use our AR apps to turn VisualSonic into your personal Virtual Video on wall.

Experience AR pop-up video
Hong Kong night view

VisualSonicAR app is now available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Try the latest Augmented Reality technology infotainment experience.

How to use your own mobile content to create your own AR pop-up
Create your own AR pop up PICTURE

Create your own AR pop up AUDIO

Create your own AR pop up VIDEO

How to view my AR pop up

How to interact with your fans or customers with our AR WORLD platform
Our AR WORLD platform provides you with a new way of interactive marketing with your target audiences. You can explain to your audiences more easily what meanings lie underneath your art through this new digital fun way.
How to view AR WORLD

Contact us for the new digital marketing via our AR world advertisement.